The Leading Synthetic Monitoring Tool For Secure Transactions

Technologically advanced, securely reliable.
Adapt website monitoring to your unique requirements for the most accurate and actionable insights for performance, reliability and security risks and issues.

Thousands of brands rely on RapidSpike every day, including

We’re a key part of their processes,
helping to

Minimize disruptions

Synthetic User Journey Monitoring

Ensure key processes are always running with industry-leading User Journey and Uptime monitoring.

Understand website health

Third Party Tracking, Error Analysis & Alerting

Identify and monitor third parties, plus thousands of other data points across your website.

Improve website performance

Web Vitals Monitoring, CrUX and Google Lighthouse

Baseline performance using metrics such as Web Vitals, CrUX and page load waterfalls.

Protect customer data

Magecart Attack, Form-Skimming Detection

Protect customers and your business reputation by strictly monitoring all data sent from your website.

Join the world’s leading eCommerce brands

Uptime checks and transaction monitoring are no longer enough. To compete in eCommerce today you need to trim every millisecond, protect every transaction and analyse every third party.

Selling online? Find out how RapidSpike can help.

With a proven track record, we’re happy to let the stats tell the story

Issue Management

Find, Fix & Prevent Website Issues Faster

RapidSpike has over 200+ key data points delivered in easy-to-use management tools, dashboards, and alerts. From over 100 monitoring locations across the globe, we monitor continuously to find your critical issues fast, helping protect your brand’s reputation & making your life less stressful.


would leave a site after a bad experience


Reduce the time it takes to resolve issues by 50% with RapidSpike

Slow sites cause cart abandonment rates to jump by



Each week we detect over 144k issues affecting key processes

Customer Journeys

Improve Conversions By Optimising Customer Journeys

We focus on your company’s most crucial website stakeholder, your customer. Using synthetic monitoring, you can watch your customer journeys unfold on video, manage your third parties, and find those critical intermittent shopping cart issues that will help you improve conversions.

Website Security

Detect Online Payment Theft Quickly

Payment card theft is a huge business risk. Detect web skimming attacks in minutes, not months, and protect your customers’ trust. Quickly discover which client-side vulnerabilities and port monitoring issues put your business and reputation at risk using our advanced monitors.


of cyber breaches are human error


Each month we detect 7k new potentially harmful malicious third party hosts

Average cost of downtime is


/ minute


Hours of critical downtime detected by RapidSpike each month

Website Reliability

Make Sure You Stay Up And Stay Fast

Find uncaught errors with uptime & API monitoring with root cause analysis, error breakdown, and website trace views. Comprehensive website assurance checks ensure your website works well for your customers and keeps them online shopping with you, not your competitors.

Website Performance

Manage All of Your Website Performance Issues

Acting as a customer, we use Real User Monitoring, Core Web Vitals, and deep performance metrics to manage your third parties’ response time. Understand how to find, fix and prevent performance issues globally 24/7 on a real browser and mobile interface and device type.


drop in conversions per 1s of load time delay


Mean improvement in performance when using RapidSpike


Increase in conversion rates with RapidSpike

“With RapidSpike’s User Journey monitoring we protect the brand of all our E-commerce clients by making their websites more reliable and secure. We also use the tool to help us make their websites faster for customers with less errors.”

Matthew Briggs

Senior Vice President – Live Services at Tryzens

Integrates easily with your software stack

Connect seamlessly with our highly configurable, powerful alerting engine, which integrates into anything you need.

  • Connect with industry leading Ops and Support tools
  • Build custom escalation processes for your whole team
  • Integrate directly with our API
RapidSpike Website monitoring integration - Zendesk
RapidSpike Website monitoring integration - OpsGenie
RapidSpike Website monitoring integration - Teams
RapidSpike Website monitoring integration - Pushover
RapidSpike Website monitoring integration - VictorOps Splunk
RapidSpike Website monitoring integration - PagerDuty
RapidSpike Website monitoring integration - Slack
RapidSpike Website monitoring integration - WhatsApp
RapidSpike Website monitoring integration - Webhooks

We Help Your Whole Team

Supporting websites can be challenging. Our website monitoring capabilities can help every part of your business. It’s in eCommerce and businesses with complex customer journeys where RapidSpike truly shines.

IT Operations

Comprehensive website monitoring & detailed alerts to minimise disruptions


Manage third parties & end-user experiences to improve online conversions


Reduce credit card theft risk on the client-side to protect customer trust


Understand & manage your customer journey issues all in one place


Enhance your online SEO rankings by improving your websites page performance